
Globally distributed data powerhouse







We do retail

Focus is the cornerstone of exceptional performance. With Squared X, we bring over a decade of expertise in online and offline retail into play to ensure your business meets the challenges of today's digital landscape. Our dedication is clear: to craft strategies that turn data into a pivotal profit source. We go beyond traditional analysis to enable a level of performance where data doesn't just support your business—it drives it.


We unlock value

Capitalise on your data’s potential without the hefty price tag. At Squared X, we pride ourselves on accelerating delivery timelines, aiming to cut down deployment times by half. Simultaneously, we streamline your spending, slashing costs by an average of 30% in computing, BI, and AI implementations. Our strategy isn’t just about saving money—it’s about investing intelligently in your data for exponential returns

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[ where we are from]





Globally distributed

Based in Europe, North Africa, and the UAE, our team offers a unique blend of global expertise with local insights. Our data professionals and engineers are at the cutting edge of digital transformation. While we primarily communicate in English, our fluency in French, Spanish,Italian and Arabic ensures seamless collaboration across diverse markets. 


Academic excellence

Our team is composed of world-class experts, each bringing a wealth of knowledge and innovative thinking from some of the most respected institutions around the globe. With foundational roots in the rigorous engineering traditions of École Centrale, the cutting-edge entrepreneurial spirit of Stanford University, and the analytical prowess honed at Warwick University, we are uniquely equipped to transform complex data into actionable business intelligence and tangible value for our clients.


[ FAQ ]


What sets your consultancy apart?

Our edge lies in a deep-rooted focus on retail. With founding members who have built and
led data departments in retail companies, we understand industry-specific challenges from
the inside out. This expertise shapes our fully managed services. It is designed to drive
tangible change by aligning closely with a retailer's unique culture and technical landscapes.

We do more than just crunch numbers; we integrate data literacy throughout your business
teams, making data and AI insights actionable. Our web applications and APIs ensure these
insights are part of your everyday business processes by integrating directly with your
marketing channels and internal systems. It's about making data work for you practically
and continuously, not just as one-off reports.


How do you measure the success and ROI of your consultancy services?

We measure the success and ROI of our services through a rigorous, data-centric approach,
with A/B testing playing a pivotal role. By comparing different strategies in a controlled
environment, A/B testing allows us to directly observe the impact of specific changes on
performance metrics. This could range from user engagement to conversion rates,
depending on the client's objectives.

For each consultancy project, we establish clear KPIs upfront and employ A/B testing to
iteratively refine our strategies, ensuring that the interventions we implement are both
effective and efficient. Success is then quantified by analysing the uplift in these KPIs.


How does the transition from a fully managed service to internal resources work?

Our process is designed for seamless integration and handover. We adhere to DevOps
principles, constructing everything as code, which means we deliver a clean, professional
codebase complete with comprehensive documentation. As an agile organization utilizing
Jira for project management, all code is meticulously linked to user stories and epics within
the platform. This connection provides your team with transparent traceability for the
project's development and subsequent software or analysis releases.

To ensure a smooth transition and solidify your team's confidence and competence in
maintaining the ongoing projects, we advocate for a minimum four-month transitional
phase. This period is essential for your team to acquire practical knowledge and
understanding of the systems and practices we've put in place.


What is your pricing model?

Our pricing model is designed to provide flexibility and transparency, aligning with the
specific needs and scale of your business.

On-Demand Talent:
If you require expert assistance for short-term projects or specific tasks, we offer a daily
rate pricing. This allows you to access our pool of skilled professionals as and when needed,
providing the expertise without the commitment of a full-time hire.

Annual Subscription for Managed Services:
For ongoing support and a comprehensive, hands-off approach, we provide a fully managed
service. This is billed annually, giving you the convenience and consistency of service for all
your data consultancy needs throughout the year.

Annual Subscription for Web Apps and APIs:
If you're looking to integrate our web applications and APIs into your systems, we offer an
annual subscription. This ensures you have continuous access to our cutting-edge
technology and updates, enabling seamless data integration and management.


How do you ensure data security and compliance?

We prioritize the security of your data at every level. Following the Centre for Internet
Security (CIS) benchmarks, we ensure that all data is encrypted when stored ('at rest') and
enforce stringent role-based access controls to limit data exposure to only essential
personnel. Our infrastructure is constructed with 'policy as code' practices, which
guarantees that all newly deployed resources adhere to the highest security standards from
the outset.

To bolster defences, we advise engaging with our cybersecurity division to conduct
thorough penetration testing bi-annually, ensuring any vulnerabilities are identified and
rectified promptly.

Moreover, we implement robust data lineage and governance frameworks tailored to
uphold GDPR compliance, ensuring that your data handling practices meet the strictest
regulatory standards.


How do you approach disaster recovery and data backup?

We take disaster recovery and data backup very seriously, understanding that business
continuity is paramount to our clients. Our approach is proactive and multi-layered,
involving regular, encrypted backups stored in geographically diverse, secure locations to
prevent data loss in the event of any disaster. We also implement robust disaster recovery
plans that detail swift and effective procedures for restoring data and services with minimal
downtime. These plans are routinely tested to ensure preparedness and resilience, keeping
your critical data safe and your business operations running smoothly.